
We believe in a society where justice, reconciliation and cooperation can be realised through the interactions of all members of society. Not just the domain of the wealthy, the influential or formal government structures, but freely available to all.

This concept is not new to South Africa. The rich culture and history of effective conflict resolution through African community mediation sees conflicts in their social contexts rather than isolated events. The practice of mediation on African soil predates even the millenium-old mediation guilds on the European subcontinent and have received recognition as superior conflict resolution mechanisms by both the United Nations and the African Union. In 1995 the concept of mediation was cast into the forefront by the proceedings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which sought to right past wrongs of human rights violations. This process was a beacon of unprecedented morality to the international community and gave closure to many communities and families.

The Social Justice Network aims at empowering communities, families and mediation professionals at the ground roots level of shared decision making through accredited training programs and mediation solutions. This goal stretches beyond the reach of a single company.

We invite you to become a part of this vision.

Our History

Since 2006, we have a proud track record of assisting more than 10 000 families in resolving family disputes creatively and effectively, without unnecessary intervention through the courts.  We have developed 25 training manuals on various topics relating to Alternative Dispute Resolution and we have trained more than 1000 delegates in Alternative Dispute Resolution skills in family disputes, in both the public and private sectors.

With more than a decade in the industry, the heart of Social Justice consists of a team of experienced, knowledgeable and passionate individuals who care about accessible justice for families and children.  Our forerunners have more than 50 years’ collective experience.  Through innovative mechanisms, we empower families to resolve disputes peacefully and finding their own win-win solutions.  Together we create lasting solutions to suit the needs of our clients.  The processes we utilise are accessible, informal, less stressful and cost-effective.

With approximately 13 million children in South Africa growing up without both biological parents in one home, our focus is on the children and their best interests.  Due to the enormous need for intervention in family disputes, the traditional approaches don’t have the capacity to deliver justice timeous to children and families.  For many court users who have no alternative options, justice become a tedious and sometimes impossible exercise.

Therefore, we have dedicated our commitment and skills to make a difference in the lives of those who really need it.  We offer training of accredited courses to individuals, corporates, NGO’s and government departments.

Our Accreditations

Our Accreditations

Our mediation course complies with the required Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Development norms & standards – Court Annexed Mediators, as well as international standards for 40-hour contact training courses for mediators – Private Mediators.

Our courses are accredited by:

  • The National Accreditation Board of Family Mediators (NABFAM), which is the governing body for the
    • Social Justice Foundation Association of Mediators (www.socialjustice.org.za) - National
    • FAMAC – Western Cape
    • AFFAM – KZN
    • SAAM - Gauteng.
  • 8 CPD for Family Law
  • 30 CPD points for Family Mediation
  • SACSSP – South African Council for Social Services Professionals
  • Excelsus (the Dutch Reformed Church’s Centre for Continuing Ministerial Development).
  • It is aligned with SAQA Unit Standard 117848 – Conduct mediation in situations that require advanced skills.
  • The Southern African Association for Pastoral Work (SAAP).  SAAP to become CPSC (Council for Pastoral and Spiritual Counsellors), a division of ACRP. Registered for 4 Ethics CPD

Our trainers:

  • are internationally accredited mediators
  • have post graduate qualifications in ADR
  • have dealt with more than 10 000 matters since 2006
  • are experienced mediators, supervisors and trainers, with more than 20 years collective mediation experience
  • Laurie Greyvenstein is an ex magistrate with 36 years’ experience in the law and in mediation
  • are DOJ Accredited Level 2 Court-annexed Mediators
  • trained more than 300 Government Officials in Mediation and Restorative Justice

Why choose Social Justice ?

Social Justice Network is founded on principles of human rights and equality before the law.  The concept of social justice can be defined as “the way in which human rights are manifested in the everyday lives of people at every level of society”.  Section 34 of the Constitution guarantees everyone access to Justice, either by the application of law through the courts or, by another independent and impartial tribunal or forum.  Our Network is working to achieve social justice in society by creating access to justice as a basic human right through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods, such as mediation.

  1. Social Justice Network is a national network of accredited like-minded professional membership, who are trained in the principles of mediation. Some members are further trained in other areas of ADR, including Arbitration, Conciliation, Facilitation, Negotiation, Parenting Coordination, Peace Making and Restorative Justice.
  2. Social Justice Network members mediate all the main categories of disputes including civil, commercial, criminal, family, medical negligence, labour & workplace matters and property disputes. Almost any kind of dispute can be resolved out of a court of law through ADR.
  3. Social Justice Network is an accredited training service provider, offering a wide range of accredited training courses to equip its members for private and court-annexed mediation.
  4. Social Justice Network offers ongoing support to its members through annual conferences, training, workshops, a comprehensive library & documents and mentoring.
  5. Social Justice Network is actively involved in relationship building with stakeholders in the industry, marketing sourcing of cases.

“Mediation is the intervention into a dispute or negotiation by an acceptable, impartial and neutral third party who has no authoritative decision-making power to assist disputing parties in voluntarily reaching their own mutually acceptable settlement of issues in dispute.” Moore – The Mediation Process

Mediation is build on the following principles:

  • Confidentiality
  • Voluntariness
  • Empowerment
  • Neutrality
  • Unique solution

There are many benefits to mediation, such as:

  • Cost effective
  • Rapid Settlements
  • Mutually Satisfactory Outcomes
  • High Rate of Compliance
  • Comprehensive and Customized Agreements
  • Greater Degree of Control and Predictability of Outcome
  • Outcome of the dispute remains in the hands of the parties
  • Personal Empowerment
  • Preservation of an Ongoing Relationship or Termination of a Relationship in a More Amicable Way
  • Workable and Implementable Decisions
  • Agreements that are Better than Simple Compromises or Win/Lose Outcomes
  • Decisions that Hold Up Over Time
  • The parties choose their own ‘decision maker’
  • Informal process
  • Decisions can be made an order of court if the parties so wish

About Social Justice

Since 2006, we have a proud track record of assisting more than 10 000 families in resolving family disputes creatively and effectively, without unnecessary intervention through the courts.  We have developed 25 training manuals on various topics relating to Alternative Dispute Resolution and we have trained more than 1000 delegates in Alternative Dispute Resolution skills in family disputes, in both the public and private sectors.

Contact Us

General Enquiries: info@socialjustice.co.za
Landline 021 300 6309
Mediation Services
and Training Enquiries

Tel 064 800 3975
Training and Mediation
Anneke Greyvenstein
Tel 064 800 3975
Training and Mediation
Laurie Greyvenstein
Tel 064 800 3975

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Our Processes

Our forerunners have more than 50 years’ collective experience. Through innovative mechanisms, we empower families to resolve disputes peacefully and finding their own win-win solutions. Together we create lasting solutions to suit the needs of our clients. The processes we utilise are accessible, informal, less stressful and cost-effective.